Aluminum, cherry wood, metraquinate lens, felt, pine wood and paper / Piece: 13x13x10 cm / Box: 34x19x17 cm / 2010
Del llatí intra-, dintre, i del grec σκοπ- [skop-], veure.
1 m. Instrument òptic, que consta essencialment d'un mirall i d'una lent, destinat a la exploració del interior de l'individu, fent perceptible allò que no ho és a simple vista.
Introscopi [Introscope]. From the Latin word intra-, inside, and the Greek word σκοπ- [skop-], to see.
1 m. An optical instrument that mainly contains a mirror and a lens used to explore the interior of a person, to gain a perception on what is not visible with the naked eye.